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+86 755-33826016


Specialized and Sophisticated enterprises that produce new and unique products

VCOMIN Technology Limited was recently recognized as a "specialized, special and innovative" small and medium-sized enterprise, demonstrating its technical expertise and innovation capabilities in specific fields. "Specialized, specialized and innovative" small and medium-sized enterprises refer to those enterprises that focus on market segments, have innovative capabilities and growth potential, and they play an important role in improving the stability and competitiveness of the industrial chain.

The Chinese government has vigorously supported the development of these enterprises in recent years and introduced a series of policies and financial support measures. For example, a notice jointly issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Finance emphasized that through the guidance of central fiscal funds, these enterprises will be supported to increase investment in innovation, promote the industrial application of technological achievements, and encourage them to collaborate with industry leading enterprises to innovate.

In addition, VCOMIN Technology Limited as a "little giant" enterprise that specializes in new technologies, will also have the opportunity to obtain more policy support and market resources, which will help it further enhance its position and influence in market segments. This support is not only reflected in financial subsidies, but also includes comprehensive,services such as technological innovation, digital transformation and international cooperation.

Through these measures, VCOMIN Technology Limited is expected to continue to develop rapidly in the future, further consolidate its leading position in the industry, and also contribute to the high-quality development of China's manufacturing industry and real economy.


Contacts:Vcomin Technology Limited profile.

Tel:+86 755-33826016

Fax:+86 755-61658248


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